The social counseling and support of disadvantaged people is one of our main goals. We work mainly in the field of migration, but also provide the support and counseling for the integration of socially weak German citizens, with the intention to strengthen these people in terms of self-help and to enable them a successful social and professional re-entry in Germany.

Here we support on average per week 7 to 10 to people seeking help, mainly with an Eastern European origin background, and by telephone we consult still many more. Through it, we give them the necessary assistance and orientation for their new start in Germany. We also provide path-prominent possibilities and solutions for reorientation, where language barriers can be eliminated and avoided by our multilingual work.

Our extensive support goes from initial talks and orientation to personal counseling and support. We also offer help with visits to governmental offices, by counteracting language barriers, reffering to competent partners and programs for successful integration, such as migration and entry into the workforce.

You are not alone with your problems! –
You are cordially invited to take advantage of our services!
