Since 2013, as part of their voluntary community service and with the encouragement and cooperation of their school and parents, we have enabled students from the “Grundeschule an der Marie” (Elementary School) to do a social internship in the “Social Bookstore” project.

Here, the children learn about dealing with people, general office and the organizational background, cataloging and classifying of literary works, and much more.

In addition to the practical experience, the students can try their hand at many other things, such as small book readings for children. The artistic part of the internship is supervised and realized under the guidance of one of our volunteer members, a former teacher at Berlin schools.

One of the main focuses of this internship activity is the design of a children’s window. There, the students present their own artistic works on various topics and especially on their “book of the week” in a small format. Getting to know and implementing artistic techniques, developing their own imagination, and finding the joy of creating in connection with the most diverse contents of the books are essential here.

We are very pleased to be able to accompany the great development of the children, to support their progress and to strengthen their social competence.

We thank them for this work and are proud of “our” students and their commitment!
