About Us

Welcome to our website! We are happy about your visit.
As a registered non-profit organization, we want to provide you all of the important information online.
Visit our homepage and learn more about us.
With this we hope to be able to provide you further information on our cause.

If you have any questions, please contact us.

The Organization

The organization “Ein Lichtstrahl e.V.” was founded in 2007.
The idea of ​​our founding arose in Berlin – this city is open to emigrants from all over the world, being a place of integration, freedom of life and diversity. On the other hhand, it is also the city in which poverty and wealth most clearly contrast each other .

Our Purpose

We aim to create a non-violent environment, where there is equality between all, regardless of Religion or Nationality. In order to achieve that goal, it is important to promote understanding and eduction about these different ways of life, furthering diversity in all areas.

Your support, regardless of its form (for example in our ongoing project “Social Book Shop” – having the motto “Education for All”) mainly goes into charitable work, facilitating and financing these social projects such as the implementation of diverse neighborhood activities. It also goes to an active self-help support for the socially disadvantaged and migrants.

Our members and supporters work mainly on a voluntary basis.


Often Asked Questions

Is it possible to donate used books through the project of the “Social Book Store”? If yes, how exactly does it work?
We at the Social Book Store will gladly receive your book donation during our open hours. Unfortunately, our organization does not have the financial means to buy books, so we are dependent on donations.

How can I support the “Social book Store project”?
You can support the existence of the “Social Book Store” by donating books and money, both of which are at the discretion of the donor. In doing so, you actively support our motto “Education for All!” and take part in it. Thank you very much!

In what is the donation money of the “Social Book Store” spent?
Your donations are mainly used to maintain the “Social Bookstore” project, such as by covering some ongoing fixed costs.
Furthermore, with your donations you support our other active projects, our consulting activities, the non-profit neighborhood offers for everyone and the covering of the expenses for the organizational background.
Members and supporters of the association work mainly on a voluntary basis. Money is seldomly spent on the organizational process and only if absolutely necessary.

In which language is the counseling? – How does one get an appointment?
Our migrant counseling program is primarily aimed at migrants from Eastern Europe. Many of our clients seeking help come from Russia, Georgia or from Armenia.
To make an appointment, please call the Social Bookstore during opening hours, or send us a message using our contact form.
